All posts in Scripts

Deep Linking in Shockwave

Categories: All, Scripts
Comments: 2
This article treats an exemplary implementation of deep-linking in Director. In the following example we will use the unFocus History Keeper library, and especially the script called unFocus-History-p.js. This script will manage the browser history entries. The communication between the shockwave movie and the java script will be supplied by Valentin's Director / JavaScript Integration Kit. Read more

Extended Object

Categories: All, Scripts
Comments: No
Some peculiarities of the inheritance in Lingo have always seemed to me to be limiting factors. By the standard means we are not able to know (for sure) if a given object implements a specific handler. Also, we do not know (for sure) if a given object has a specific property. We can not find out what is the object type, nor we can inherit in an easy and flexible way a number of parents. Let me show you the following example... Read more

Extended list

Categories: All, Scripts
Comments: 5
This script combines some useful methods of AS3 Array with those of Lingo List. Moreover, some of the original Lingo list methods like add(), append(), deleteAt() and getAt() are modified. For example, getAt() method returns VOID instead of "index out of range" exception. Read more

Extended Filmloop

Categories: All, Scripts
Comments: No
Here is another script trying to solve the problems which arise when one is using a #filmloop. How to pause a #filmloop? How to affect the speed of its performance? How to make a #filmloop to be played (for instance) in 1.5 seconds? The answers of these and many other questions are here! Read more

Extended Timeout

Categories: All, Scripts
Comments: 1
Some time ago, while working on a game, I had to use a multitude of #timeout objects (over 250) with different durations. In the course of the work it was getting more and more difficult for me to manage them. Unfortunately, I fully realized that I was going in the wrong direction just when I had to implement... Read more