Some years ago, I worked on a project, in which Director was used in a specific way – whole animation scenes were fitted and after that the .dir files were used for Bink video files. So, we had to work with big scores – 50 channels, 300-400 frames. This provoked a lot of tasks which demanded automation. ScoreCommander is a “remastered” compilation of all those automating scripts plus some other that were added later on different occasions. I think that some of the functions could find a wider application than the original occasions that provoked their creation. Others could probably be used as a basis or inspiration for writing better ones. So, what is ScoreCommander?
ScoreCommander is an easy to use Adobe Director tool xtra that gives you a number of efficient functions, which will ease the work process for you. For the sake of convenience, they are arranged in four pages – Frames, Sprites, Members and Export.
The documentation can be seen on here. (It also can be found in the download archive, in .chm format.)

- Create/Delete Markers
- Create a marker
- Create multiple markers
- Delete a marker
- Delete multiple markers
- Export markers
- Rename markers
- Select frames
- Insert/Delete Frames
- Insert frames
- Insert special
- Delete frames
- Delete special

- Select sprites with the same member
- Find in score
- Invert selection
- Select by color
- Move selection
- Clear selection
- Save selection set
- Save score selection
- Save cast selection
- Save score snapshot
- Delete items from the selection list
- Resize sprite
- Distribute sprites
- Miscelaneous
- Multiple exchange
- Find empty sprites
- Show/Hide channels
- Code counter
- Generate score

- Optimize
- Optimize
- Defringe and crop
- Find Castmembers
- Index castmembers
- Find castmembers
- Find in cast
- Select castmembers
- Rename castmembers

- Export Selector
- Export Frames
- AlphaComposer
- Store Exported In
- Export Castmembers
- In Folder
AlphaComposer allows you to export the image of stage on a frame or frames as 32-bit images with alpha-channels, which reflects the alpha-channels of sprites’ members, the sprites’ blend and the effects of the sprites’ transparences on each other on the stage. The final RGB+Alpha image can be used on different backgrounds. To work with this page, you need SharpExport xtra.
1.Download and extract “” – it contains a folder named “Scommander” and a file named “SharpExport.x32”
2.Quit Director
3.Copy the “SharpExport.x32” file into the Xtras folder of Director
4.Copy the “Scommander” folder into the Xtras folder of Director
5.Launch Director
6.From the Xtras menu, choose “SCommander > SCommander”