Modelling in 3dsmax for director

If it is the first time for you to export scenes from 3DSMax to Director Shockwave 3D, it may occur that you have a problem with the world axes orientation in these two environments. In Max they look this way:(figure1); in Director – that way:(figure2)

figure1 figure2

Thus something, which in 3DSMax appears like this:(figure3), seen through a Director oriented by default camera will look this way:(figure4).

figure3 figure4

One of the things that can be done to solve the problem is to rotate the whole scene in 3DSMax to -90 degrees along the X axis and to export it again to Director. It seems that everything is normal. Except the fact that the cube is moving along the normally called Z axis in Director, never mind that we explicitly wrote

_scene.model("Box01").translate( 0, _destination, 0 )
instructing it to move along the Y axis.
We would like the local Y axis to coincide with the global Y axis. For this purpose, after rotating the scene to -90 degrees along the X axis, we select all the objects in the scene, choose Utilities>ResetXForm and press Reset Selected button. After the scene is exported again, we see that this time the local axis of the moving cube coincides with the global Y axis – in other words, the cube is oriented and moves according our expectations.
And one last note: In order to avoid differences in the scale of the objects created in 3DSMax and those created in Director with Lingo, in 3DSMax always use generic units. From the main menu bar, choose “Customize > Units Setup… > Generic Units”. Below are the complete files:

Modelling In Max (1441 downloads )

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