Other posts of the serie
- Light Maps with 3DSMax and VRay — III (October 28, 2010)
- Light Maps with 3DSMax and VRay — II (October 28, 2010)
- Light Maps with 3DSMax and VRay — I (October 28, 2010)
Save the scene. Select all geometry objects and go to Utilities > Collapse. Check Mesh, Multiple Objects and press Collapse selected.
This will convert all geometry to editable meshes. Choose from the main menubar Rendering > Render to Texture.
Now enter the following settings in Render to texture dialogue:
Section General Settings:
In Output group, set Path to “C:\lightMapsTutorial\”.
Section Objects to Bake:
Here you will see the names of the selected geometry objects, which will be “baked”
In Mapping Coordinates group choose Use Automatic Unwrap,
Channel – 1
Section Output:
Click Add button, choose VRay_LightingMap from Add Texture Element dialogue and click Add Elements.
In Selected element Common Settings group:
Enter LightingMap in Name text box.
Choose Diffuse Color from Target Map Slot.
Check Use Automatic Map Size.
Section Baked material:
In Baked Material Settings group, choose Output into Source. Check Render To Files Only.
Section Automatic Mapping:
In Automatic Map Size group, check Nearest Power of 2.
Click Render. Wait until the render proccess is finished. Select all geometry objects and go to Utilities > Collapse. Check Mesh, Multiple Objects and press Collapse selected. This will collapse all Automatic Flatten UVs modificators and will convert the geometry to editable meshes.
Open Material Editor and create a standard material, named “floor” Go to Maps > Diffuse Color and choose Bitmap for Map. Browse to “C:\lightMapsTutorial\” and choose “floorLightingMap.tga”. Click Show Standard Map in Viewport button, and assign the material to “floor” object.
Repeat the operation for the remaining five objects “sphere1”, “sphere2”, “sphere3”, “box1” and “box2”, naming the materials with the corresponding names and applying the corresponding maps in the diffuse color slot. At the end, your Camera01 viewport must look in this way:
In Material Editor, Utilities menu, choose Condense Material Editor Slots. This will remove unused Unwrap Checker materials.
Now activate Camera01 viewport, choose File > Export… from the main application menu, navigate to “C:\lightMapsTutorial\”, choose “Shockwave 3D Scene Export (*.W3D)” for Save as type:, type “lights” for File name: and click Save
In Shockwave 3D Scene Export Options:
Set Geometry quality to 100%.
Set Texture quality to 100%.
Choose No limits on texture size.
Check all checkboxes in the Resources to Export group with exception of Animations, Texture map Resources, Enable Toon and SDS and Light Resources. Click Export.
Save the scene in “C:\lightMapsTutorial\” under the name “geometry.max”
Go to Material Editor and remove all maps from all materials.
Change the diffuse color of the materials in the following order:
floor | - | 243, 243, 243 |
sphere1 | - | 255, 0, 0 |
sphere2 | - | 0, 153, 0 |
sphere3 | - | 0, 132, 255 |
box1 | - | 180, 110, 0 |
box2 | - | 255, 200, 120 |
Choose File > Export… from the main application menu, choose “Shockwave 3D Scene Export (*.W3D)” for Save as type:, type “geometry” for File name: and click Save.
In the Shockwave 3D Scene Export Options:
Check Light Resources checkbox in the Resources to Export group.
Click Export.